
never gonna get better at posting...

I'm terrible at blogging. I don't know why I try.
It doesn't matter because I'm writing now anyway.
The sewing for the 56 blocks of my quilt are done.
BUT! Some still need ironing, and they all need their dimensions checked and/or fixed.
Then, put those together, check dimensions, add borders, check dimensions, make the back, check dimensions.
Then off to be quilted I guess. :)
I still need to decide on a backing fabric, possibly solid gray, and binding fabric, no ideas there...decisions, decisions.
Pictures forth coming. I hope.


Work Continues...

I don't have a lot to show for the last few weeks.
I've been sewing away on the quilt, a little each night. And I have part of the center of each block sewn and ironed. But nothing really worth taking a picture of.
The groups of fabrics are all sorted and in rows on my bedroom floor. Teagan likes to play with her fish toy on them. She knows she shouldn't be on the fabric, but it gets my attention. And like any good toddler, any attention is good attention.
Teagan is a dog, for anyone who doesn't know. She's almost 4, but she acts like she's a puppy still.
As for spinning, I've finished the singles from a batt of merino/silk. For the record, it spun like butter, so smooth and perfect. I also spun AND plied a skein of yarn for a trade I'm making with someone locally that makes box bags. I learned the hard way why singles need to rest. Plying was not fun.
And in the knitting part of my world I've finished the sweater I was working on, and it just needs buttons. I can knit an entire sweater in 3 weeks but putting buttons on it is proving to be the challenge. I also knit a shop sample for Knit & Knot in Iowa, just a simple Turn a Square hat. Now I'm just trying to finish up some socks before starting something new.
I really will try to get pictures soon. Promise.